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Showing posts with label word confusion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label word confusion. Show all posts

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Blogging Lounge Wants Turmoil

Ariana Browning has given us the blogging topic of turmoil. That word brings me way back to those student days when the end of the semester would come. We'd spend so much time studying for exams that we wouldn't have time to shower. As a result, lots of oil would form in our hair. Term oil!

What? I misspelled "term oil?"

Let me try again with tern oil. Those were those poor birds who got their pretty little feathers covered in oil from the mean companies that caused spills.

No? That's not what the prompt is?

They say third time's a charm, so how about burn oil. Those sun gods and goddesses use it on the beach to get a better tan, but they just end up getting burnt.

You say three times is not a charm?

Oh, turmoil. As in a great disturbance? Well. I don't know anything about that.